Saturday, July 4, 2020

SLI DCNH subtype descriptions

Dominant Subtype
Craftsman — Stimulator
Prototypes: Craftsman, hunter, contracted leader
Dominant SLI possesses good business qualities. She expects to receive specific, tangible results and won’t undertake any useless work. Once carried away with an activity, she will develop greater efficiency in it. She encourages colleagues and partners by offering favorable deals rather than by administrative coercion. She gradually expands her skillset once she achieves mastery and acquires new clients. She is able to create the conditions for work and rest for her group. She distributes total earnings in accordance with the contribution of each member.

Dominant SLI prefers to prepare for affairs in advance, thinking through everything needed in order to operate smoothly and quickly.

She is very competent in managerial and commercial matters. She prefers versatility and is able to develop and adapt any tools and instruments. She copes well with prolonged physical activity requiring endurance and willingly does physical work. For her, it is important to have everything she needs at her fingertips.

Ready to come to aid at the first call, she sympathizes with others’ misfortunes, but not through emotion; rather, by solving problems with actions. However, she can always reject people who betray her trust and never talk to them again. She doesn’t cope well with being accused and loathes having to justify herself. Friendly relations between colleagues, co-workers, supervisors and subordinates are the basis of her success.

She is reluctant to come into contact with strangers and prefers to communicate with like-minded people who share her values. She will not compromise if she senses her position is more justified than others. She strives to be erudite in the areas of knowledge she encounters in life. In conversation, she justifies her argument with facts. It is very difficult to persuade her in disputes. She hates having to repeat the same information often.

Dominant SLI is characterized by imposing demands on her partners. She won’t tolerate any familiarity. If she does not understand, she’ll withdraw into herself, becoming inaccessible. She is quite jealous and mistrustful, but tries to hide this behind a mask of indifference. After falling out with someone, she’ll permanently shut down relations if her attempts at reconciliation do not end well.

This subtype cannot accept demands that exceed what was previously agreed upon. In such circumstances, she will be the first to break the relationship. She is responsive only to a welcoming and friendly attitude, and cannot stand hypocrisy or pettiness. She fulfills her obligations. She can always rely on friendship and work. She is compatible with diplomatic people who know how to ride out the rush of her emotions and listen to her opinion.

Creative Subtype
Craftsman — Tester
Prototypes: Testers of new technical devices, masterful users of work instruments or weapons
Creative SLI is inventive and resourceful in addressing technical or domestic issues that arise unexpectedly. She is attracted to new, previously unencountered tasks. She is inquisitive, but on theoretical subjects she is not inclined to sacrifice her time and money. At the same time, she would be happy to test and verify the quality of consumer goods or samples that she finds in her hand.

New interests and situational changes raise her vitality, helping her to overcome the apathy that occurs periodically. As a rule, she does not like to rush things, but when she feels that it is time to act, she can adapt herself and others to the situation.

Included in her work are financial incentives, as well as risky businesses that promise unusual experiences. Creative SLI overcomes difficulties thanks to her resourcefulness and wit, contributing to her self-affirmation. Her speciality is the execution of instructions, secretly and alone, free from observers. Stimulated by rapid and tangible rewards, she is fond of extreme and therefore technically viewed sports.

She respects capable and talented people. Having wide interests herself, she easily learns new skills. She takes risks for the excitement it brings and tests herself in rapidly changing situations, although she does not lose her mind or cross a dangerous line. She readily shares stories about her experiences with others. Creative SLI possesses a special sense of humor with a touch of self-irony.

Like no other subtype, she demands freedom in the choice of operations or actions. She knows how to seize the opportunities that save her time, changing the situation in her favor. She possesses good responses, but is dynamic and fast rather than forceful. She successfully takes part in defensive martial arts, although she does not seek to apply the skills to everyday life. Preventing fights is more important to her than getting involved in a brawl.

Normalizing Subtype
Craftsman — Thrifty
Prototypes: Skilled worker proficient in adjacent specialities, master of industrial training
When carrying out work that she enjoys, she is accurate and conscientious. She does everything without haste, yet quickly and properly. Despite her apparent inertia or slackness, normalizing SLI is persistent in achieving goals. She is good at repair work, as well as making revisions — the adaptations for specific operating conditions. She always removes deficiencies if they are detected, understanding that the recognition of her mistakes provides room for learning. She highly values her work and will not work for pennies.

Normalizing SLI loves to observe how machines and mechanisms work. She is good at using schemes, templates, and guidelines in specific issues that lend themselves to analysis. Economical and thrifty, her goal is to make sure everything in her affairs has minimum waste; however, she has trouble seeing business prospects for the future because she can often take rash actions or abandon initiatives.

Although by nature undemonstrative, she will still get offended if her work goes unnoticed or unappreciated. She is skeptical, and is not seduced by slogans or chants. She won’t tolerate vanity or being urged with enforced demands in an insulting manner.

Normalizing SLI is able to understand confusing issues and simply and effectively explain complicated things. Her actions are driven solely by common sense. She finds it essential to ask herself what the most rational options are. She values her circle of associates, is oriented to family, and is caring towards people close to her. She achieves high qualifications, but won’t seek to hold high positions.

She likes old and familiar things that can still be used. She looks after her health and outer appearance, selecting comfortable and functional clothing that does not pursue fashion and originality. She plans not only work, but also rest. If something does not work as it should, then rest will not bring pleasure.

Harmonizing Subtype
Craftsman — Crafty
Prototype: Independent artisan
Harmonizing SLI is mild and unobtrusive in conversation. Restrained in her display of emotions, she does not tolerate rudeness and is disgusted by bad taste and vulgarity. She is gentle towards others’ feelings, so shortcomings are only spoken of at an appropriate time and in an inoffensive form. She finds it difficult to distance herself from boring conversations. If people violate her inner comfort or limit her independence, she may flare up in anger, though subsequently regrets this tremendously.

Being quite unsure of herself, she is inclined to doubt her abilities and capabilities, though outwardly this is hard to notice. However, insecurity disappears when she is involved in projects. She is sensitive about having her abilities judged and waits for praise from customers, requiring the expert evaluation of her mastery.

Harmonizing SLI is vulnerable to boredom. Monotony and routine can drive her into a depressive state. She needs to experience joy through various exciting and dynamic events. In order to disperse melancholy, she travels or sometimes takes nature walks. She rapidly assimilates new information, selecting what she needs, although gradually finds herself once again plunged into a melancholy state.

A connoisseur of sensations and aesthetics, she seeks pleasure in all its varieties. She needs convenience, complete rest, and quality products. She appreciates uniqueness and originality and dislikes conventional clothing. In her private place, everything is convenient, yet she does not like to encroach on the interests of others.

Physically quite sensitive, she can’t handle heat, stuffiness, the sight of blood, or suffering. She is badly affected by violence. Unlikely to work as a surgeon or sit on an assembly line, she is suitable for work driven by customer orders, individually preparing everything necessary for her workplace.

Harmonizing SLI suffers from mood swings, and this physically affects her working capacity. She dislikes efforts beyond her means and longs for a comfortable life free from intrusions. She is able to distance herself from conflict, showing prudence and diplomacy. She is quite appreciative of mutual compassion and friendliness between people.

This subtype is attracted to friendly, open, but unobtrusive people. She needs them since they help her to experience the joys of life and to overcome her natural laziness and apathy. She dislikes being the center of attention and won’t show her feelings in front of strangers. She is reluctant to talk about her personal life, preferring to be understood without words.

She applies the minimum effort to achieve maximum results. You will never see her overexert herself, as she is the most energy-efficient type. Preferring to work alone, she gets results and works till things are complete and in a polished form. Her motivation is impossible to decode by words, gestures or acts, rather only through end results of labor.

IEE DCNH subtype descriptions

Dominant Subtype
Advisor — Enthralling
Prototype: Coach (personal trainer)
Above all, dominant IEE aims to encourage, inspire, and instill faith in success. He calls for proactive, decisive action. He is not shy and boldly defends his point of view and interests. He is capable of overcoming obstacles, unless his desire and passion has been extinguished. In important matters, he exhibits considerable persistence, though he lacks the perseverance to do everything carefully and accurately. Dominant IEE needs to constantly switch activities and communicate with a variety of people.

He is confident when making major decisions; if his decisions are adopted or implemented, he will not fundamentally change. He strives to meet his obligations, but sometimes his words are not kept, as he is scattered. He’s not vindictive, but having given up on a person, he will easily expel them from his life. He possesses a holistic approach to solving problems. Challenges in life do not scare him, but rather lure him in.

With distinguished foresight, he can intuitively sense the prospects of development for projects. Therefore, he never abandons them, despite difficulties; eventually, as a rule, the desired results are achieved. Having started many things, he lacks the strength and desire to bring everything to completion. When the fatigue passes, his interest revives and he returns to his work again.

Dominant IEE is quite adventurous and willingly meets new people. He is inclined towards risky adventures, which raises his vitality. Success comes to him unexpectedly at the last minute when it would seem as though all chances of success are lost. Believing in luck even in the most improbable circumstances, he shows courage and determination and is able to psychologically overwhelm his enemy.

Sometimes overly trusting of people, he can sometimes talk too much. He considers secrecy a barrier to trust, and because of this, he is not afraid of revealing his own feelings. He loves to win the hearts of people, but not usually anything beyond that; IEE quickly becomes disillusioned with the objects of his sympathy. He is impulsive, extravagant, always visible, and interesting to those surrounding him.

Dominant IEE is highly dependent on his mood, which affects his relationships with loved ones. He dislikes being questioned about his ability, judgement, and business acumen. He cannot always distinguish the important from secondary details, which is why he sometimes spends his effort in vain. He doesn’t distinguish frugality and thrift and has a negative attitude toward stinginess in people. He loves bright, beautiful things such as catchy and original clothes.

Creative Subtype
Advisor — Perceptive
Prototypes: Reporter, media recruiter
Creative IEE is well-versed in the abilities of people. He is excellent at intuitively sensing their secret motivations. At a first glance, he can randomly place special importance on words and actions that hint at the nature and habits of the people he’s conversing with. It makes no sense to pretend to be something you’re not around him. This is surprising to others: that his insights — both his assessments of people and his understanding of the meanings behind events — are often predicted correctly.

He needs an influx of new impressions on a regular basis, or else his vitality will be lowered. He reaches out to talented and outstanding people, and he is interested in anything unusual and mysterious. When carried away by any idea, he eagerly advertises it, becoming an active advocate for it. Creative IEE loves to talk about anything unusual and sensational in order to impress others.

He knows how to approach almost every person he encounters. Artistically, he feels which direction to take. Charming and diplomatic, he willingly compliments people with a sincere desire to lift their spirits. Creative IEE makes light of shortcomings, pointing them out jokingly so as to avoid offending anyone. He talks about his troubles with humor, which is why some may see him as frivolous. Due to his desire to maintain good relations with everyone, he sometimes overloads himself with unnecessary contacts.

He is inclined to periodically change jobs or hobbies in order to test himself in new activities. He often hesitates in making important decisions, since he hasn’t fully delved into the details of the issue and is not always confident in his business capabilities; however, in extreme situations, he becomes resolute and calculative. At such times, he may seem overconfident to others. The decisions he makes are often perceived as subjective and not thought out.

Creative IEE finds it difficult to prepare for anything in advance, preferring impromptu and improvisational decisions. Often impulsive and unpredictable in his actions, he poorly allocates actions across a period of time. He can be late because of this, but he is not badly affected by other people’s delays. He exhibits resourcefulness in dealing with everyday problems.

He defends his views enthusiastically and is an opponent of hierarchy and bureaucracy. He hates regulation and strict rules that hamper his freedom. For the same reason, it is difficult for him to do painstaking work, such as record-keeping and documentation. He doesn’t accept lavish ceremony, conventions or stereotypical judgments, except for the ones he shares.

Creative IEE tries not to make promises without assurance that he can deliver. At the same time, he may do more than is expected of him. He dislikes being indebted, asking for help, or being a nuisance or begging. If he isn’t appreciated, he may become irascible, and at times even rude.

Normalizing Subtype
Advisor — Acquainter
Prototypes: Dating services, specialist personnel selector
Normalizing IEE prefers contact with like-minded people and meticulously selects associates according to their abilities. He gradually creates a small circle of people based on common interests and shared values.

He is able to work on consolidating small groups into medium sized teams, which consist of several smaller ones. He possesses a sense of the distance between people in relationships, which is seen as the attraction or repulsion between people.

Initially he is inclined to idealize people and relationships and exaggerate their merits or flaws; however, over time, he begins to realize that it is not necessary to drift away from reality and corrects himself. Black and white judgements are replaced by numerous shades of grey. Normalizing IEE may excel in psychotherapy and family counseling where the main objective is the right attitude towards people, taking into account individual characteristics.

This subtype is a relatively well-mannered person. He strives to be wellmannered constantly in his looks, as well as orderly in his home and workplace. He’s good at referencing well-constructed theories and systems, valuing information presented in a clear and memorable way. If this isn’t the case, then he builds such systems himself. However, it turns out quite clumsy and overloaded with unnecessary elements.

He overlooks human weaknesses. He is able to voice appropriately the unspoken wants people may have. When communicating with someone close to him, he works on building motivation and ways of strengthening interpersonal relationships. If he is with someone highly experienced, even if it is an outsider, he is able to respectfully integrate them.

He loves and knows how to make gifts and surprises for loved ones. This is his way of expressing love and his means of strengthening relationships. He finds many other everyday ways and tricks to support his favored network of relationships, be it at home or in a group, which he considers his own.

Harmonizing Subtype
Advisor — Transformer
Prototype: Writer or director of psychological comedies
All of harmonizing IEE’s time is spent pondering, trying to understand various phenomena. He remembers experiences before details. At the same time, he knows how to learn from his mistakes as lessons for the future. He is self-critical, but at the same time finds this criticism painful. Nevertheless, the world surrounding him is seen not so much as a drama, but rather like a comedy.

He sometimes inherently feels like he has violated his integrity or disharmonized his inner world and then tries to restore this integrity to be at peace with himself. He is also at risk of detaching his inner visions from reality. For him, this is a painful problem, given his dependency on the influx of impressions from the outside world.

Harmonizing subtype is the most thoughtful amongst the others subtypes, even though people do not immediately notice this. He often seems to be surrounded by frivolity. He has a craving for challenging tasks, especially confusing human situations. He spends a long time studying, comprehensively covering the possibilities; however, he’s not always sure he can explain in the language of logic.

Impressionable and responsive, harmonizing IEE is an empathetic person who likes to offer helpful advice to people in difficult life situations. He always sees several solutions to a problem and tries to give them to others. He is constantly prepared for deviations from the expected course of events. Since he anticipates probable danger, he never gets too upset by setbacks. He loves talking about fascinating, unusual topics in the company of friends.

This subtype is selective with contacts. He won’t become acquainted with simply anyone. He seeks only thoughtful or necessary conversations. He knows how to understand complex pieces of information, procedures, and technologies, and presents such understanding in his own way. He’s a good trainer, as well as teacher, but only for a selected audience or individual. To assimilate information, he needs to skim through everything. Normalizing IEE alters information so that it is presented clearly and at the same time in a novel and unexpected way.

He doesn’t handle loneliness as well as large crowds. When overloaded by work, he needs a pause, a distraction. He is quite appreciative of comfort and has a good sense of smell.

EII DCNH subtype descriptions

Dominant Subtype
Humanist — Consistent
Prototype: Volunteer for a charitable organization
Dominant EII persistently achieves assigned goals that are usually socially beneficial in character and without links to personal enrichment. She is never deterred by the inherent difficulties on the long road. Her strength is in the motivation that her actions are not for herself but for other people. She respects intelligent and highly- motivated individuals who are willing to support her initiatives, helping with advice and actions. She can become a faithful steward for her affairs.

She is quite appreciative of personal initiative in learning, and attends various courses and classes which expand her horizon. Dominant EII is committed to personal growth, not just in knowledge, but also within herself. She tries to convey to others the meaning of her actions. She enjoys talking about her hobbies, valuing an intellectual atmosphere in conversation.

This subtype encounters numerous misunderstandings in life with regards to her choice of goals and dedications, which are devoted to unpragmatic pursuits and hobbies. She occasionally meets conflicts in this regard. Sometimes she has trouble developing mutual relationships, given that she is regarded as eccentric or detached from reality. She may even decide to stop trying to lift people from dull and boring lives into something more sublime; then again, she may make a U-turn on it.

She fears infirmities and illnesses that could put her at the mercy of others; therefore, she tries to follow a healthy lifestyle and avoid bad habits. Dominant EII circulates her beliefs amongst those surrounding her, reinforcing her word by personal example.

Distinguished by enterprise, she is unafraid of taking risks for the sake of noble ideas or a better future. She attempts to bring happiness to other people’s lives, but instead is often faced with the opposite effect — people become more aware of their own unhappiness.

She can succeed in a specific profession where there is an actual human response, or where she is organizing people for training or charity. She is well suited to being a staunch supporter or follower of any doctrine or humanitarian practice. Despite her modesty, she has plenty of contacts. She doesn’t handle loneliness well and needs the attention of loved ones. EII is trusting and sincere more than regretful, even when she is not believed or her kindness is abused. She loves pleasing others with gifts and services and doesn’t require gratitude to be reciprocated.

Creative Subtype
Humanist — Nurturer
Prototype: Someone who find the means to realize herself in spite of the circumstances
Creative EII is inquisitive and interested in moral and philosophical issues such as the fate of humanity in a hostile society. She tries to understand the essence of various things, envisioning her own picture of the world. She is well-versed in prospects of collective affairs and the capabilities of its members. She often chooses flexible, creative professions, preferring activities that allow her to communicate with a small group. Although able to allocate her time, she lacks the perseverance and willpower to complete all of her activities by a designated time; unpleasant things or uninteresting responsibilities might be postponed. Her unfettered imagination leads to spontaneous actions, which often surprise her friends. Thus she opens people’s abilities, inspiring confidence and motivating them to do better. Sometimes she just wants to prove that she is capable of daring deeds solely on the principle of satisfying curiosity.

She dislikes everyday hurry and bustle: it distracts her from the reflection she needs in order to think through the lot of ideas and insights that spring to her mind every now and then. In extreme situations, she gets excited and quickly responds to work, focusing her attention on the essentials. She tries to switch between different tasks, but this is difficult for her.

Characterized by intractability when making impositions, she respects and allows freedom of expression; she does not want to limit her own or others’ rights. Creative EII demonstrates her principles and tacit stubbornness when defending her interests. She endures the winds of fate. Life’s turmoil and frustrations harden her. She allows others to clearly realize their purpose.

Compliments in the presence of outsiders are perceived with confusion and disbelief: she does not need verbal confirmation of feelings and abilities. She has pedagogical inclinations that allow her to teach classes with great interest. She encourages being educated, both in discussions and by bold deeds. Her experience shows that only in collective affairs are interests formed productively and sustainably. She is able to make friends and cooperate with her students on equal terms, which she very much appreciates.

Normalizing Subtype
Humanist — Conscientious
Prototypes: Tolerant and obedient parishioner, the fairytale character Cinderella
Normalizing EII delves into the relationships between people. She has difficulty tolerating interpersonal conflicts and misunderstandings, and attempts to objectively understand a situation and explain to each of the disputing parties what they’ve done wrong. She is quite unwavering in her loyalties. She truly loves those with whom she shares a close bond and is willing to make serious sacrifices for them. Responsive and attentive to people, EII tries to give them real help. She only shows active participation and genuinely enjoys herself.

Normalizing EII is impressionable and vulnerable. Due to her sense of justice, sometimes she reprimands the guilty with severity but cannot maintain this for a long time. She loves little children, but in educational matters is capable of demonstrating strictness and integrity. For those she deems worthy, she will sacrifice her time and interests.

Selfless and responsive, she tries to please others by making them gifts and providing a variety of services. Since she is inclined to take everything to heart and may worry even for minor reasons, she needs an optimistic and energetic partner who can appreciate what she does, protecting her from unnecessary affairs and inspiring confidence.

Distinguished by her modesty, normalizing EII does not want to burden others. She studies and works well, without fanfare or publicity, as she dislikes attention being drawn to her. On one hand, she gets tired of people, but at the same time, they are the problem of interest. She tries to comfort others, offering explanations or good advice. If this does not work, she is able to wait patiently until she can calm the person. When bringing people together, she prefers situations or events to be prepared in advance. If she has promised something, she will not waste effort or time fulfilling her promise. She takes painstaking care in her work, but tends to get bogged down by the details and often overworks herself. She is a conscientious worker. Punctual and good at keeping time, she knows when to leave so as not to be late. Normalizing EII gets depressed if she fails to complete the work she has been entrusted with.

She works tirelessly to create comfort and order around her, even though the outcome is rarely impressive. She can never rest when people around her are busy. She often underestimates the quantity and quality of her work and downplays her achievements because she suffers from low self-esteem. She worries about the well-being of her group. This EII belongs to the type of people who are almost impossible to bribe.

Harmonizing Subtype
Humanist — Empath
Prototype: Psychotherapist working with children’s trauma and other complexes
Harmonizing EII appreciates mutual understanding and tolerance, owing to her ability to compromise for the sake of keeping peace and harmony. She accepts people as they are, forgiving their weaknesses and not trying to change them. She rarely voices disapproval and instead waits for people to become aware of their guilt.

She is able to sense the underlying nature of the human soul, often noticing changes in people’s thoughts and emotions long before the person sees this themselves. Thanks to this, she is well-versed in understanding complicated situations. She readily assists others, since she understands the degree to which change must be made in order to maintain stable relationships. She helps a person in making difficult choices as unobtrusively as possible.

Harmonizing EII knows how to interpret dreams, understanding the meaning of children’s fears and feelings. She is gifted with a good memory about past events. Moonlighting — or taking too many jobs at once — is not good for her, as things will not be presented and done neatly. She ensures that exterior and interior aesthetics are taken into account. Fearful of domestic discomfort, she listens to the advice of competent and experienced people in these regards.

It is quite difficult to gain entry into harmonizing Ell’s spiritual world: she will not share her secrets if there is the even slightest doubt of one’s integrity. She often finds herself critical of capricious people who cannot appreciate what they have now — their health, loved ones, an established way of life, etc.

Characterised by indecision and self-doubt, EII is overwhelmed by doubt and anxiety about the consequences of actions. She has little initiative behaviorally, including within personal relationships.

She dresses modestly so as not to stand out. This EII dreams of being in harmony with a partner, sharing tastes, attitudes, and hobbies; however, at heart she is aware that this is hardly feasible. She is critical of her own appearance and volitional qualities. Remarks by strangers on this subject can be veiy hurtful to her due to her inferiority complex.

Harmonizing EII cherishes inner peace, although she performs her natural mission of empathizing with other people’s suffering and adjusting the psychological atmosphere. She is strained by the conflicts between members of a team she might be on, which may lead her to lie in order to distance herself — saying, for example, that she was ill with a stomach ulcer or vision problems, etc. Addressing contradictions between her desires and the needs of the outer world lead EII to ever-greater introspection and aversion from the world.

LSE DCNH subtype descriptions

Dominant Subtype
Administrator — Driver
Prototypes: Supervisors, community leaders, heads of local associations
Dominant LSE is a good organizer (but only on projects with clear deadlines and no bureaucratic overhead). He quickly adapts to dynamic environments and is able to bring goals to completion. He is decisive and energetic. He’s not concerned with lengthy analyses of situations, but will not lose sight of the strategic objective behind current tasks. A solid individual, he knows for sure what he wants, where to go and how to acquire it. He is characterised by an extraordinarily high work ethic.

Susceptible to the pressure of time, he feels bound by rigid deadlines. Unlike leisurely people, he prefers to move forward quickly, taking a challenge without hesitation. Dominant LSE values time and never tolerates wasting it in vain. He gets very nervous when people are late. He’s orientated towards a competitive spirit, but not in competitions where winning something means losing something else.

Possessing great endurance, he constantly patrols the territory he supervises, striving to be everywhere at once and to monitor everything. He presents information in a concise and direct manner and demands clear, unambiguous answers from others as well.

People’s actions are evaluated in terms of their benefits and detriments. Most of all, he values reliability and solidity both in people as well as in materials. He believes that planned systems are more effective, compared to systems formed under market force conditions.

He respects competent people who are highly qualified, and abhors windbags who do not follow through with their words in any affairs. He strives for greatness through his work ethic, and is often a model example for it. Power, position, and authority are only respected if earned or deserved. Sometimes, he is overly harsh in his critical assessments. Dominant LSE condemns people who he believes are lazy; he cannot tolerate work dodgers.

He gets irritated when there are urgent requests or things that distract him from his work. If his work is criticized by incompetent people, he may flare up or even lose it. Lacking in diplomacy within relationships, he is a person with strong convictions who openly express them. He doesn’t like admitting his mistakes or making compromises.

Dominant LSE is a great debater. He wonders, if given specific and clear arguments, how anyone can disagree with him. His humor is rude and often includes things that deviate from the accepted norms or usual traditions. He avoids making compliments and praising good work, considering that to be the norm. His relationships with others are formed not through words but rather by deeds. He finds it difficult to express subtle feelings.

He’s not inclined to talk about entertainment. A supporter of a strict but caring upbringing, he is often very demanding of his loved ones. He believes in an honest relationship, but doesn’t understand the feelings of others very well and is afraid of being cheated. He prefers a bird in the hand to a pie in the sky. He abhors flattery.

Creative Subtype
Administrator — Supporter
Prototypes: Broad specialists, head consolidators
Creative LSE is a venturesome, engaging person. He defends his interests with great passion, regardless of who is in authority. He enjoys making numerous things with his hands, mastering all new skills. Impulsive and impetuous in behavior, he grows quite weary of waiting and uncertainty in situations. He energetically implements his projects. Overestimating his capabilities, he often overloads himself with too much work and overworks himself;, therefore, he periodically arranges parties or events, making sure he has delicious and original dishes beautifully presented.

He is quick and inventive in everyday matters. He can easily become the center of attention, but going further than that and becoming the entertainer can be difficult for him. He is tasteful, although somewhat formally dressed. Creative LSE loves it when others listen to his advice. He is inclined to take care of those who need his help. It’s typical for him to be a member of several community organizations, and around such people, he takes the initiative from the ground up. He tries to create the necessary conditions for effective teamwork, keeping everyone in rhythm.

Sometimes burdened by routine, creative LSE tends to seek new experiences. He often has humanitarian hobbies. He may be into writing and can act in theatrical productions. In order to achieve his objectives, he may become emotionally pressing, or even get angry, but if he sees fear, he becomes polite and courteous.

He likes to have fun and has a sense of humor. He tries to please loved ones in the form of gifts and surprises. He’s emotionally vulnerable, but prefers to hide his grievances in silence, though if he is hurt, he may flare up and express all the negativity he has accumulated.

His confidence and impulse to start work is an example to others who maybe passive or disillusioned, stimulating them to take action. He uses his communicability in the interests of business, showing his courtesy, wit, and warmth. He is hospitable and maintains a relaxed atmosphere. He is able to actively develop subject in conversation. He is able to reach people, forming a local network of neighbors and friends with people who appreciate his ability to bring others together in solving current problems.

Normalizing Subtype
Administrator — Synchroniser
Prototypes: Airline pilots, dispatchers in complex systems
Normalizing LSE possesses strict, logical thinking. His judgments are based solely on personal experience and facts in the absence of political ideology or other principles. He knows how to soberly assess a situation, thinking over it quickly. After the decision and approval of a plan, he immediately proceeds to execution. He has a strong sense of duty and can be a responsible executive, taking initiative, implementing goals, and creating frameworks for a task.

He cannot tolerate uncertainty or ambiguity, and becomes burdened with long waits. He prepares for important events in advance. If he sinks into the details or gets distracted by other things, he cannot keep up his pace to finish a job by the deadline. This is quite painful for him, so he tries to plan more clearly. He loves order in everything and is well-versed in laws and regulations. He handles personal belongings carefully.

Normalizing LSE strives to be optimally informed. He develops a clear program of action, drawing it in great detail. He tracks the progress of all the points on a plan, marking them off with pleasure as each is executed. Excellent as a financier, he knows how to handle money carefully and rationally and won’t go into debt. He prefers practicality and well-made things.

A good rationalizer and constructor, he demonstrates his acumen best of all in the design and assembly of complex technical systems. Effective in the automation of processes, normalizing LSE works out the shortest paths for logistics, packaging, and shipment of goods. He gravitates towards precise sciences and technologies, as well as statistics and accounting.

Conservative in his tastes and habits, he is quite prudent. He makes plans, counting upon distant prospects and preferring to risk nothing. He makes mistakes in assessing people due to poorly accounting for subjective factors. He keeps his heart hidden from others, and often from himself, too, ignoring his own sentimental side. He is inclined to reminisce about the good old days. Although in control of his emotions, he may get into a fuss and unexpectedly break; he can be affected by this for a long time.

Typically adhering to traditional ways, he is attached to his home and is very sensitive to deception and betrayal if it emanates from loved ones. He seeks approval of his actions and personal qualities.

Harmonizing Subtype
Administrator — Revitalizing
Prototypes: Office managers, supervisors of service centers and medical institutions
A provider of reliable services, he is effective in service sectors, but not necessarily technological ones. He communicates well with customers, managing to respond to all requests. Harmonizing LSE likes everything done with his hands; he prefers sturdy and durable materials. An excellent homeowner, he maintains cleanliness and cares for and repairs household items. He turns to neighbors for advice in difficult matters as part of his nature.

He is quite considerate towards members of his family and is sensitive and responsive to the misfortunes of others. He makes an effort around others, behaving as though others are ever evaluating and observing him. He might give up his career for the sake of his children or in an uncertain economy. His soul empathizes with what he sees on screen or reads in a book. He is thrifty and never resorts to shopping for new clothes unnecessarily.

On the one hand, he is sober and realistic in assessments; on the other, he is capable of succumbing to persuasion and empty promises, and even being a victim of fraud. His trust and compassion can be taken advantage of. In business matters related to risk, he is wary of investments. When relying on the opinions of strangers, he does not always make justifiable decisions.

Harmonizing LSE likes nature and working outside. He has aesthetic inclinations and appreciates beauty in any manifestation. He is good at landscaping, decoration, and interior design. He never delivers poor work. His bad moods are expressed in pieces of art such as poems, drawings, photographs, etc.

He doesn’t take criticism well, even if it’s in a joking manner. He gets worried if unjustly accused. Being burdened by responsibility leaves him severely stressed. Another stress factor is being useless and not needed. He craves the attention of loved ones and strives for harmony in relationships with others. He experiences difficulty with disagreements on views and approaches to problem solving.

ESI DCNH subtype descriptions

Dominant Subtype
Guardian — Upholder
Prototype: A person of example strengthened by life’s adversities
Dominant ESI is expressive and talkative with loved ones or friends. She loves to joke and stir up a conversation. In order to assess attitudes, she must receive specific responses. Feeling sympathy for others, she can be the first to take the initiative in bonding, but she may break relationships when they have outlasted their utility. If she meets a worthy partner, she is capable of providing them with a high standard of living and becoming a faithful life companion, making many sacrifices. She remains faithful to her family, which she often happens to lead.

Dominating ESI is eager to help people experiencing difficult moments, providing a variety of services for them. She is able to organize others, be they neighbors or colleagues, on joint business by helping them to assist each other. Issues regarding health, safety, and beautification of her environment are paramount for her; cleaning or making home improvements is often a way to convert her accumulated frustration or anger from a particular issue into a much needed release.

She possesses administrative and household skills that are not too bad. By nature, she is hard and categorical. If needed, she’ll firmly and consistently defend herself and her loved ones. She considers this to be her duty. She wants to clearly know her roles and responsibilities within a group. She is thrifty when using resources and never tolerates waste. Always preoccupied with work of any kind, she requires the same dedication from her loved ones. She is competent in matters of everyday life such as cleaning, cooking, etc.

She strives to ready herself for anything unexpected so as not to be caught by surprise; however, she does not always manage this and can become quite irritated when placed in circumstances of uncertainty and vagueness. It’s very difficult for her to wait passively to address important issues. She hates frequent changes that depart from established plans. Dominant ESI finds it difficult to take people’s individual abilities into account, which is why she is faced with unexpected situations that ruin her view of relationships in either men or women, old or young.

She dislikes it when someone publicly judges her qualities, given that internally she is not always sure of herself. Sometimes she shows aggression to prevent being attacked or manipulated. She does not brag or boast about her advantages and believes that people should behave according to their social status. She trusts only the words of those people with a proven track record.

Periodically this ESI needs an emotional discharge. She can heartily have fun at parties or other recreational events without restrictions and limitations. Difficult situations in life mobilize her to seek quick resolutions. These events cause a lot of distress, and she needs a concrete, pragmatic aim which she can persistently and gradually follow to overcome the challenges life presents.

Creative Subtype
Guardian — Accoutre
Prototype: Person with a penchant for handicrafts, design, and beautifying landscapes
Creative ESI has a good instinct for people. Reading facial expressions and mannerisms, she can sense insincerity or changes in behavior when in fact there is something wrong. This sensing of problems is not intuitive, but rather driven by her own experience; therefore, it is hard to fool her. She is adept at pleasing and adjusting to a conversation. She seeks to maintain relationships with a lot of people who are valuable to her. She will not tolerate insolence or impudence. At the right moment, she can take advantage of the most vulnerable spot of her foe, humiliating or ridiculing them. She expresses her sympathy not in words, but through actions via the convergence of interpersonal distance.

Creative ESI helps others to do work when they are running out of time and attempting to meet a deadline. She intercedes if she has hurt someone helpless. She never gets lost in extreme situations. She can compromise in a situation she doesn’t feel strong in, but is firm and uncompromising in matters that are considered fundamental. Committed to understanding the needs of her children and enhancing their abilities, she quite often helps them gain more self-confidence, which they lack internally. She needs praise and compliments, though does not like to show this.

She cannot stand narrow-minded nerds and fruitless dreamers, yet she does not condemn unusual people; rather, she tries to understand how they came to be. Initially, she idealizes those sympathetic to her. She tries to be tolerant, and so does not always show her attitude if it is negative. At heart, she condemns bad deeds and remembers them for a long time. In conflict, she exposes the other party’s long list of errors, abuses and misdeeds committed, after which she feels a sense of purification.

She is a good leader of creative teams where there are many grievances and quarrels. Creative ESI does not like to get involved in these disputes, hoping that the other side will not inflate the conflict. Dividing opposing parties, she never allows the conflict to boil over. She is observant and witty, and although an introvert, she is usually not afraid of stages or public speaking. She likes to joke and poke, causing unexpected reactions and then discussing them.

Eager in practical matters, she may do a few things at once, not bothering to qualitatively bring each task to an end, but in critical situations, she shows ingenuity and quickness. Thanks to these qualities, she is excellent at grasping new territories and quickly settling into them. Whether it is at home or another setting, she seeks beautiful and original decorations and arrangements both inside and outside. She also dresses brightly and originally and is capable of doing needlework and gardening.

Normalizing Subtype
Guardian — Condemning
Prototype: An individual with a puritan morality
Normalizing ESI is good at sensing relationships between people. She is conscientious, not because of coercion, but by her own comictions. She adheres to established and time-tested methods of work. She is punctual and sometimes comes to meetings ahead of schedule. She is committed to a job from start to completion; otherwise, she will feel burdened. This ESI prepares for everything in advance and does a job carefully and consistently, overcoming laziness or apathy. This is a person of duty, yet she won’t sacrifice her personal interests for the team or external causes.

Normalizing ESI is inclined to clearly divide people into categories of good, bad, or neutral. Neutral is only for those at a distance, especially in the absence of contact. She analyzes eyes and facial expressions to figure out an attitude, judging whether someone is rude or not. She appreciates true friendship that offers mutual support, especially in times of adversity. She is capable of separating work from pleasure.

She spares no time or effort maintaining order in her area. She examines instructions and carefully conducts documentation. She handles money efficiently, controlling finances and avoiding debt. She is consistent in her habits and affections. Normalizing ESI values family and loves spending time with relatives. Generally, she has good aesthetic taste and loathes dirtiness and untidiness. She is endowed with pedagogical skills.

While noticing other people’s shortcomings, she is never inclined to express them without necessity. When a person’s negative aspects become intolerable, only then will she feel the need to confront them, and if the issue is not resolved, she may end all relations with them. She is generally considered a moralist who upholds strong values. Injustice and unethical behavior affect her greatly. She is very sensitive, returning good for good and evil for evil. She often believes that others neither notice her diligence nor her professionalism.

Harmonizing Subtype
Guardian — Solacer
Prototypes: Farmers, conservationists
Harmonizing ESI appreciates comfort most of all, both in life as well as in relationships. She adapts to a new environment only if she is not threatened. In unfamiliar society or with few people around, she feels awkward and tries to escape unnoticed. Her attitude is expressed not so much in words, but in her tone of voice and looks. Her delicate nervous system gives rise to increased sensitivity. She is inclined to spend time dwelling on her pain and sorrow, having to justify her failures. Her psychological mood is linked to her own outward appearance.

Harmonizing ESI accumulates numerous facts and impressions in her memory about people she has encountered. She makes connections between past events and what is happening at the moment. She is wary of strangers, but more willing to excuse them. Although extremely cautious and mistrustful, she is afraid of making a mistake, and so won’t hesitate to agree to proposals if she feels the results are imminent. Dissociating herself from the evil and misfortune of the outside world, she furnishes her own clean and well-maintained house or plot.

She often changes her goals, and can take radical steps at critical moments, which are often subsequently regretted. Generally, she will not want to move or be strained, preferring to be in her own territory on the principle of “my house — my fortress.” She is inclined to live independently and apart, not wanting to be disturbed or to trouble others. Harmonizing ESI appreciates the peace and rest around her greatly. Sudden anger and resistance manifest only when someone intrudes on her territory.

She acutely senses approaching deadlines; she becomes nervous and ready to do anything to finish, as she is afraid of running out of time. She tends to share work responsibilities with others. Undemonstrative, she dislikes being put out there and attracting undue attention. Her emotions are driven by the situation: amongst cheerful people, she’ll be merry, and amongst gloomy circumstances, serious.

At first, she may seem somewhat unapproachable, wary, and distrustful; however, once approached, this feeling disappears. Over time she comes to relax and starts to behave in an uninhibited manner. She dislikes unexpected guests and quickly grows tired of them, though if guests wish, she will provide a good table for them. She greatly values things that are beautiful and functional at the same time. She usually won’t get involved with extraneous things, as she is driven by present needs and circumstances. She admires concrete work and is associated with the creation of material value. After work, she is able to relax. 

LIE DCNH subtype descriptions

Dominant Subtype
Entrepreneur — Advancer
Prototypes: Pioneers, modern western businessmen not reliant on controlled or subjugated-markets, robber-baron capitalists who introduce advanced technologies
This subtype is very adventurous and active in his sphere, although he only seriously engages in activities which bring him real benefits. Pragmatic and calculative, he has little interest in fantasy and concepts if there is no demand. He makes decisions quickly and immediately proceeds to implementation. He takes on difficult and risky affairs without expecting an immediate return. LIE assigns tasks, dividing them into stages to achieve at least some results on each of them.

LIE constantly expands the circle of his business interests. Having mastered one niche, he immediately moves on to the next. He never sits idly by, and he successfully competes with others. In addition to his energetic nature, he also possesses a strong internal motivation, believing in himself and the success of his goals. He always finds ways to make breakthroughs and overtake rivals. His resources are never depleted, as he has no propensity to consume luxurious or status-driven items.

He does not like long explanations and prefers to pick up new information on the fly. He clearly sees the path between the ultimate goal and present situation and is able to calculate how much and what kind of resources are needed for each intermediate stage. At every step in the process, LIE prefers not to be interfered with, but demands planning, diligence and verification of intermediate results. He hates distractions during his affairs; this hinders his focus which is not easily achieved.

Possessing leadership qualities, he encourages others to work by using himself as an example while making agreements on mutually beneficial terms. He negotiates contracts seriously and hates tricks and gimmicks. He only respects those who follow their words with deeds. He has a simple composure, but without familiarity. He will cut off relations with idlers and malingerers remorselessly. Although he encourages competition, it often spoils his relationships with people.

LIE is poorly versed in understanding the feelings of his partner. Due to this, he is mistrustful and fearful of making mistakes that put him in an awkward position. Awkward in confessions, he tries to deliver them in a humorous manner. He prefers to prove his feelings not by words, but with deeds. He is committed to strong, stable relationships. More than other types, he needs a solid backing: a strong family support, as well as a home for them where he can replenish his strength from stressful work and competition outside the home. He is attracted to relationships with serious, reserved, and dedicated people that can offer reliable support through life’s troubles.

LIE is not afraid of difficulties. He finds it interesting to test himself in extreme conditions, overcoming all obstacles to come out of the struggle victorious. He goes through numerous kinds of activities and professions. He demonstrates endurance, perseverance, and, at the same time, optimism. For him, it’s better to take the challenge and lose than to sit around doing nothing.

He boldly defends his views in a dispute, although he does not like to disclose his plans ahead of time. In fundamental issues, he exhibits a toughness and intransigence; in this, he behaves impatiently and harshly. Unafraid of going back and doing everything differently, he tries to approach matters from a different angle or with higher quality.

Creative Subtype
Entrepreneur — Renewer
Prototype: Experimenter in science and in life; active, peppy, and restless
This is a subtype that chooses alternative activities with positive thinking, developing creative initiatives. He introduces new ideas into practice and grabs immediate opportunities, often taking far- reaching (though not always well-laid out) plans. Having a lively and flexible mind, he is very inquisitive and boldly experiments.

Creative LIE quickly gets involved with work, igniting energy and optimism in others. Always excited about some activity, he never becomes bored or pauses to reflect. He is able to quickly find applications for his abilities in all sorts of activities, bringing real ingenuity and breaking norms. He is quite productive in writing. His work is inclined to be constantly updated and improved in various new ways.

It can be difficult for him to coherently and convincingly present his main thoughts. His thinking is quite chaotic; nevertheless, he can sift through options and find the right decision. He starts a conversation with a serious look, and then ends it with laughter. Sometimes he behaves like a child. From the outside, it may seem as though he goes through life without much difficulty.

A romantic at heart, he loves to travel and go on adventures, but not aimlessly; rather, he prefers to have a useful purpose. He is bold and confident and not afraid to take risks, taking control of his own destiny, therefore his personal life is diverse and changeable. His antics should be treated patiently and graciously.

Creative LIE is not fussy in everyday life. He doesn’t seek strict order and pays little attention to his appearance. Although grateful for care and concern, he wants to be loved for his inner qualities, not his looks. Always complex, he needs a reliable partner who is sure of his feelings and who has a good sense of humor.

He is naturally endowed with strong health. He arrives on time everywhere he goes. He loves life in all its manifestations and is an optimist who sincerely believes in luck. His great love for life aids his amazing good luck, also prolonging his life.

Normalizing Subtype
Entrepreneur — Designer
Prototypes: Researcher enthusiastically working on technical projects implementing new schemes, specialist in project-based learning
The normalizing LIE comprehensively studies new systems, trying to find the main principles and their method of implementation. He prefers to test ideas in practice and have certainty that there is no mistake in the decisions. Convinced of the idea’s prospects, he moves to implement it with consistency and persistence. For all questions he has his own dissenting opinion, demonstrating competence in knowledge of laws and regulations.

He keeps track of the state of affairs in his fields of interest and willingly shares his impressions of the information obtained with others. Although orientated towards being serious, normalizing LIE tries to create a relaxed atmosphere in a conversation by being democratic in character and humor. A good teacher, he presents material vividly with practical examples.

He loves to explain his rather complicated systems and tries to circulate them as models for a wide range of phenomena; although he tends to oversimplify developments, losing sight of important details that his flat models negate. Nevertheless, this does not bother him, and he will follow such a system for a long time.

Normalizing LIE will not believe assumptions that are not backed by thorough evidence. He strives for precision and clarity in matters of principle and gathers necessary information in advance. He possesses a technical mind that looks at everything as a mechanism to control, and builds a model system.

Preferring to plan his activities in advance, he strives for order, logic, and common sense in everything. He is compliant in everyday life and does not possess any romantic idealization in relationships. He is a proponent of functional separation of responsibilities between spouses. He regularly devotes time to work, although family is no less valuable. In conversations, he always talks about his experiences or current projects. Static in his personal preferences, he finds a common language with children and teenagers and can engage with children in useful activities. Concerning issues in the psychology of relationships, he tries to understand others based on their personal experiences, as well as by factoring things read in literature on the topic. He works well with rigid and principled people, directly discussing all pressing issues and grievances.

Normalizing LIE pays a lot of attention to health matters. He often finds himself engaged in a variety of healthy activities, as well as dynamic sports such as running, biking, skiing, etc. Besides exercise, the philosophical side of health is also very important for him.

He appreciates aesthetic taste in others; he is confident in his physical form and tries to look neat and aesthetically pleasing. He is practical and economic, but may not devote a lot of time to everyday chores around the house. For him, the first priority is his business affairs or profession.

Harmonizing Subtype
Entrepreneur — Adventurer
Prototype: Lone traveler, journeying vast distances
Harmonizing LIE is restless and fickle, but at the same time kind by nature. He is fond of children and animals. He has an appeasable and evasive character; it’s hard to quarrel with him. He willingly connects with people, offering his services, though his credulity is sometimes abused. If he has to nudge or persuade people, he will look for the most inoffensive approach.

Internally, he is a sensitive person. Behind his mask of joy or sadness lurks recklessness. Somewhat scattered, he is inclined to be distracted by minor things, and so may postpone most of his work until later; after a while, in a different mood, he will return to what he was doing. He is impatient by nature and wants to see results quickly; therefore, he neglects the little things. Though he fluctuates when choosing a solution, it is very difficult to dissuade him from his plans. For this reason, his behavior is difficult to predict. To others, he may seem a bit eccentric.

Harmonizing LIE is restless. Often in a hurry, he urges others to hurry, too. He possesses adventurous inclinations and is able to quickly pack up and go on trips. He is willing to travel over long distances, relying on little along the way. He copes well with difficult environmental conditions, adapting to any climate. He talks about his experiences with interest, sharing what he has seen on his adventures, which surprises even incredulous listeners. He deplores inert people living without imagination and the flight of the soul for the sake of comfort and pleasure.

In conversation, he seems cheerful and ingenious. Offering his trust, he willingly gives advice and expresses his opinion. He is a type of narrator who tells stories with a serious air, even when the stories are fictional. He has his own philosophy and worldview: central to it is the harmonious unity between man and nature. For him, it is sometimes indulgent.

He seeks new experiences and variety and changes hobbies often, though over time he may turn back to one of them again. He tries to encourage people by raising their spirits with jokes to distract them from worrying. As a fighter for ecology and human life, he has a negative attitude toward violence and cruelty. When his hopes fail, he is crushed, hut with his characteristic optimism, he is never averse to starting all over again without looking back.

He is interested in unexplored and unsolved phenomena. Relying on a well-developed imagination, he tries to grasp the essence of various things. For everything, there is a simple explanation. He always tries to verify his findings by practice, sometimes exposing himself and others to unnecessary risk.

Harmonizing LIE finds it difficult to work on a static team, but can adapt even to a conservative system if he is not constrained and also given the opportunity to travel on business trips. He needs a loved one who can stop him from simplified judgments and reckless action. 

ILI DCNH subtype descriptions

Dominant Subtype
Critic — Optimizer
Prototype: A banker, a financier inventing complex business schemes

In the activity he is engaged in, he is quite energetic, although he becomes very tired of large doses of communication. He has high organizational abilities, often with an authoritarian inclination. He encourages people to be active, but warns against useless, from his point of view, decisions. A supporter of decisive action during the transformation.

He is demanding in spheres which he considers strategically important. Able to force himself to do unpleasant and uninteresting, but necessary work for some time. Afraid of becoming dependent on someone due to his democratic nature, so tries to keep the role of a self-sufficient person.

He can be very stubborn and quick-tempered if sees that his advise not taken into account his interests are infringed. His sudden rebuff has a sobering effect on the offender.

Such ILI is not afraid of conflicts, boldly goes to aggravation. A violent force clash whips up his thought, allows him to see the situation more clearly and to get rid of unnecessary details. Although such situations exhaust him, at the same time they allow him to dump the load of accumulated problems in one fell swoop.

Strives for useful, rational actions. He sets realistic goals, knows how to calculate the best ways to achieve them, taking into account all the details of the case.

Economical, ergonomic and practical. Finds a way to organize the process with minimal cost. Gathers expert advice before making a lasting decision. It is difficult to convince him in a dispute since he proves his rightness by facts and similar cases that occurred in such situations.

He uses everything that is available on his territory. Expresses the abilities of the utilizer and the processor. He is drawn to the variety of experiences that he finds in various fields of activity and fields of knowledge. He despises amateurism but carefully listen to the opinion of competent people. With latter type of people seeks to maintain friendly relations.

He does not like extremes, therefore, with his irony, he tries to cool the excessive ardor of enthusiasts. Because of the negativism and cynicism that accumulate in him as a result of individual experience and disappointment in people, he is inclined to dramatize his experiences.

The inner balance is hard to obtain for this ILI. His mood is contrasting: he can be sometimes too picky and grouchy in work, then kind and compliant in a friendly conversation.

Creative Subtype
Critic — Ironic
Prototypes: TV show and entertainment program presenters or producers; satirists
The creative subtype is quite sociable and won’t refuse to have fun in good company. She feels insecure if her appearance or manner does not match the tastes of the society she is part of. ILI looks for intellectual novelties and is proud of her acquaintance with famous people. She loves to share her knowledge and to assess the prospects of development in new areas of knowledge.

Independent and obstinate, she resists volitional force. She seeks support and approval of her ideas and initiatives. Suitable partners are only those who see her inherent cynicism and share in her assessments of people or projects. She cannot resist making offensive comments, so it is difficult to have smooth relationships not only with foes, but with close friends, too. At the same time, she shows generosity, assisting people close to her in difficult situations.

When in a good mood, she is a clever companion. Attentive and democratic, she is inclined to trust people and is willing to give advice or recommendations if asked to do so. She appreciates talent and respects people who have intellectual achievements in her field of work instead of people who easily rose to fame or borrowed ideas. When in a bad mood, it’s best not to disturb her, as she is very irritable and volatile.

In the interest of her affairs, she won’t spare anyone’s feelings. She is skilled with irony and cynical humor. She is usually loyal and tolerant, forgiving of weaknesses and passions. She respects authorities and values the past, without which, in her opinion, the future cannot be understood. She loves to emphasize her dissenting opinion on resonant issues.

Creative ILI lends her skills and expertise to creative fields. She possesses a special sensitivity for music and happens to be endowed in the humanitarian sphere; for example, in languages, journalism, film (sound engineering, in particular), etc. She knows how to find a niche in the creative intelligentsia. She often has clear political or ideological positions.

Normalizing Subtype
Critic — Aggregator
Prototype: Quiet person, inclined to thoroughly assess information
The normalizing subtype is diligent and executive. She is very slow, but pedantic in her work. She dislikes surprises and impatient people who rush ahead; she never hurries developments herself. She loves old, reliable, and familiar things that are proven to be time-tested and true. This ILI strives to be competent in affairs and knowledgeable in all aspects. She is interested in laws and regulations and accumulates necessary and interesting information. She is good at maintaining documentation and records. Appreciating high-quality work and qualifications, she respects authorities in her field. She is inclined to intellectually assimilate information.

She notices all the contradictions and imperfections in the world around and often advises others to exercise caution and restraint in order to avoid surprises and troubles. Despite her observation and insight, owing to scepticism, it is difficult for her to assess the possibility of new beginnings and people’s abilities. Her speech can be monotonous, slow, and soporific, and she feels awkward in public.

ILI takes everything into account in advance, disliking impromptu actions and unforeseen risk. She is cautious and indecisive in new endeavors. Subject to doubts and fluctuations in her decision-making, she won’t promise anything unless she is completely sure that she will be able to deliver. A creature of habit, she likes stability above all.

The normalizing ILI finds it difficult to be pressured or persuaded by someone with a strong will. She prefers to make agreements on mutually beneficial terms, wanting others to comply with her demands. She carefully studies contracts and agreements. Conservative in her habits, she is an opponent of radical actions and harsh statements.

Polite in communication, she dislikes familiarity, vulgar displays of emotion, and heated arguments full of shouting. She is amicable by nature and expects people around her to be calm and prudent. She isolates herself when in a bad mood so as not to do or say anything she might regret later.

Due to her relatively inert nature, she may underestimate the role of a healthy lifestyle. This may lead to poor health and stress. Some, on the other hand, may attach great importance to the prevention of disease and hygiene.

Harmonizing Subtype
Critic — Prescient
Prototypes: Scholars, participants in intellectual games, scientists with encyclopedic knowledge, programmers and consultants
The harmonizing subtype is gifted with a good memory and thorough imagination. She perceives the world philosophically and reads a lot and thinks. To address problems, she collects all the available information. The process and method of her thinking interests her more than the product of thought. An excellent, although slow narrator, she can recall material in detail and vividly recount the ambient. Having strong visual intuition, she is capable of foreseeing the outcome of affairs or an individual’s behavior in the future by extrapolating the behavioral patterns from the past. She is configured to the knowledge of the objective world and the study of its underlying causes.

Her feelings are restrained in their manifestation. She doesn’t like to give compliments, believing it’s much fairer to start with disadvantages. Strong emotions drain her nervous system, and she is deprived of romantic illusions. She greatly understands the opposite sides that contribute to a relationship’s development. Passive in personal relationships, she is outwardly relaxed, but internally focused. When asked, she offers advice on what must be done to achieve ambitious goals.

She gravitates towards a persistently smooth, contemplative life. A fatalist at heart, she feels vulnerable to the winds of fate. She doesn’t handle discomfort well, whether external or internal. On a journey, every little detail comes to mind and she takes everything necessary with her, from electronic devices to soft slippers.

At home, her clothing is usually modest, yet comfortable and cozy. Quite compact, she strives to dress neatly and conveniently but avoids bright colors and accessories. She is punctual, and therefore doesn’t need to watch the clock.

She tries to look after her health, but is unlikely to systematically train to maintain physical fitness, as she is quite doubtful on these issues. She prefers to devote a lot of attention to prevention of health issues, rather than to dealing with the consequences of bad choices.

SEE DCNH subtype descriptions

Dominant Subtype
Politician — Representative
Prototypes: Film and show-business producers, liberal politicians
This subtype possesses leadership characteristics. He exhibits good organization and also fulfills his word. He is better at managing large teams, as opposed to smaller ones. He is energetic and impulsive, but able to restrain himself around others. He looks presentable and respectable. SEE cultivates the image of a guardian fighting for the rights of a group of people. He cleverly lobbies the interests of his group.

He constantly expands his circle of acquaintances and areas of activity. For him, it is important to be influential, having authority in the various circles he is in contact with. He knows how to mobilize people for new business, although not in convergence. He’s unafraid of initial difficulties and has a tendency to rapidly move profitable ideas into practice.

Tactically flexible, he improvises in accordance with the course of events. He rapidly adapts to extreme situations and looks for methods to stabilize situations, at least temporarily. SEE is definitely committed to never taking sides publicly and is good at negotiating, bringing opposing parties to a compromise.

He acts confidently and decisively, but only if surrounded by support. He seeks a lot of formal council, making decisions independently after assessing the relation of forces among stakeholders. In the interest of business, he may become very demanding and, at times, even rigid. He is good at selecting assistants for himself.

SEE always knows what he wants. He needs big goals and new, challenging tasks. Without a constant influx of new ideas, his spirit sours. At the same time, he lacks strategy and long-term calculation. He prefers to solve emerging problems immediately; otherwise, he may become distracted and lose interest.

He is able to seek, and more importantly, unravel talents. Fortunately, this is popular among creative people seeking to be discovered. Thanks to him, society has enhanced social mobility; however, the implementation of excessive and badly-prepared liberalization often leads to unhealthy competition and breakdown.

He strives to be involved in the course of various events and loves to move from place to place, leaving each visit having made useful connections. At heart, he needs admiration and recognition, so when it is given, he doesn’t spare any energy. This stimulates him for even greater activity: for him, it is very important to have his prestige recognized and acknowledged.

SEE is indifferent to theory and engages purely in practical activities. He prefers specific attainable goals that will bring real benefit. He tries to improve his expertise in various fields in order to raise his prestige and strengthen his position. He finds it important to have a variety of titles and awards.

He makes decisions based on personal experience, although if the issue isn’t familiar to him, his choices fluctuate. He prefers to hide his inner thoughts and fears from others. In such situations, he seeks the advice of experts. He appreciates those who supply him with systematic information and warning of errors.

Creative Subtype
Politician — Mercurial
Prototypes: Event planner, comedy artist
This subtype is distinguished by uninhibited and demonstrative behavior. Amongst company his wit becomes apparent. He prefers democratic humor without sarcasm or mean and inappropriate jokes. He is good at conducting toasts and amusing guests during feasts, and he enjoys telling anecdotes and jokes that please everyone.

SEE is sociable and knows how to secure valuable contacts, although he lacks the time to consistently support them. He prefers to negotiate depending on the situation and on mutually beneficial terms. He confidently finds applications for others’ skills and abilities and waits for others’ reactions and evaluations. He praises his intelligence, insights and other advantages or abilities alongside his pragmatic motivation, which stimulate him in pursuing his host of activities.

He loves freedom and cannot tolerate being regulated with precise instructions detailing when, how, and what he can and can’t do. He resists any restrictions placed on him, often in a manner that is harsh and rude. At the same time, he is capable of neutralizing a serious looming conflict by changing the subject or refuting the offensive words by turning them into a joke.

SEE rarely pays attention to general laws and independent tendencies, often based on the fact that all actions are subject to his subjective desires and gains. Complex logical explanations do not suit him. He sticks to simple diagrams and explanations. He prefers compromise and arrangements instead of harsh confrontation. He looks for the right way to approach a person.

He can be emotional and impetuous, boldly expressing his feelings and concerns. He is able to proffer compliments. His behavior is unpredictable due to sudden changes in his goals and desires. His mood affects those around him: if it is good, he can affect everyone with his optimism, and if bad, spoil the fun. At times, he can be excessively dramatic.

He is sensitive to criticism and becomes nervous when attention is drawn to his mistakes. He is offended when people do not take his advice on remedial provisions; he may even protest. However, over time, he begins to listen to legitimate concerns and changes his stance. He respects smart people when they warn him about a hasty decision in advance, cautioning about potential adverse effects.

As practical psychologists, this subtype is also good at reading people’s intentions by focusing on their appearance, facial expressions and gestures. He can cleverly make advertisements, persuading people to make particular choices. He stimulates, encourages, and persuades others. He revolves among his friends and relatives, and has the necessity to be social; however, in his narrow circle of people, he often criticizes rather than gives praise, though he does so gently in a half-joking manner.

SEE is inclined to start a lot of things at once, but never manages to finish everything due to a lack of time, loss of interest, or falling into a bad mood. He has a poorly-developed sense of proportion, often wanting to do more than is objectively possible. He performs well in advertising fields, intuitively understanding what is interesting and how to hype something up to make it seem better than it is. Focusing on minor things, he may miss what is most important and necessary.

Routine and monotony tire him quickly; therefore, he is inclined to relax and seek new interests. A characteristic curiosity leads him to new information and even self-improvement. Switching between various activities and people is vital to him.

Normalizing Subtype
Politician — Supplier
Prototypes: Caterer, concierge, or manager with an established network of personal connections; shuttle trader (who provides product from one country to another)
He is distinguished by an accommodative character. SEE knows when it’s best to remain silent and when it is better to give up. He is good at maintaining relationships. He listens and calms people when they are agitated. Although he can be coarse, it is in retaliation against the insolent and for the sake of his interests. Overall he tries to be sensitive to others, sympathizing with those in need. He attempts to soothe and cheer others during difficult moments.

He nurtures confidence, knowing how to create an atmosphere that puts people at ease. His democratic demeanor, informal ease, and simple emotionality help him win others’ sympathy. While that gives the impression of openness and sincerity, his openness has a limit, which he never admits. He really only trusts a few people.

He is aware of the circle of rules and obligations that must be respected and won’t exert his will beyond this. He likes to share experiences on specific issues. He values his independence and practicality. In everything, he strives to be self-sufficient and not to be dependent. He has a penchant for organic farming and mutually beneficial exchanges.

He appreciates coziness and comfort and is concerned with the welfare of loved ones. He never disturbs others’ peace, especially when resting. He can be a good cook and uses delicious food to cope with stress, so often he has a full figure. He creates a safe home, where his friends and loved ones can relax after work. Family ties are important to him.

In the interest of business, he is able to compromise. In disputes, he tries not to finalize outcomes and is able to hold back with time or soften the requirements. He aspires to understand general patterns and trends of the issues being dealt with. He tries to understand situations in detail; however, he still lacks insight and sometimes finds himself in a network of dealers and swindlers.

In affairs, he is quite practical and dependable. At home he is tidy, taking care of the shopping errands and managing the budget. He expects good manners from his loved ones, as well as cleanliness, order and responsible spending. SEE is economical in small things, but not sufficiently prudent in major purchases.

It happens that he can be quite the avid football fan, sitting by the television with a beer. Among women of this type are fans of soap operas and dramatic series that focus on relationships; they especially adore common people that find themselves in a wealthy society.

Harmonizing Subtype
Politician — Nudger
Prototype: Highly sociable habitual cafe-goer who enjoys discussing local life
This subtype is relaxed and unhurried in motion. From a distance, he seems quite patient and calm, but this is misleading. Inner balance comes to him with difficulty: tranquility is halted by heightened impressionability, as well as contradictory feelings and desires, which he does not even understand. He often places higher expectations on new acquaintances than they can manage. Acutely sensitive to emotional discomfort, he is experienced in handling matters where there is a discrepancy between desirable and actual results.

He avoids strain by tackling his distant goals. Not inclined to sports, he prefers passive recreation such as gatherings with friends, cigarette breaks on the porch, lying on the beach, etc. He does a lot for his company. Reclusive lifestyles are boring to him, which lends to difficulty. He becomes active only when he feels it’s safe to do so without much hassle. Unabashedly, he turns to neighbors to borrow small amounts of money.

He is attracted by everything that is officially prohibited and he is capable of making concessions to a person, gaining confidence and offering a quick deal. After receiving a deposit, his promises may eventually be forgotten. He exploits such human instincts as greed and the desire to get something just like someone else’s without much effort.

He prefers to act quietly and will quickly remove unsuccessful contacts or unanswered proposals; he has the ability to make it seem as though he had nothing to do with it. He is good with complaint techniques and shows his innocence to the offended side in the event of conflict. He knows that this easily arouses public pity and sympathy. He can’t withstand direct confrontation for a prolonged period of time; it is easier for him to hide and wait out the conflict.

He apologizes for his inconsistency and impulsiveness periodically, but the sense of guilt quickly dissipates. He is inclined to write off all of the circumstances. He gives little thought to the future and its implications for his life; he lives for the present day, though may make mutually optimistic plans for the future. He likes gambling and other activities that allow him to relax and enjoy a pleasant occasion. He successfully leads small or medium trade when in a reliable environment.

His thinking is very concrete and speculative, but not selective and critical. Once relaxed, he is able to discuss everything, especially social life and political events. Sometimes he is superstitious and does not try to get to the natural causes of failures. He has an inherent elevated gullibility and easily falls under the hypnosis of eloquent speakers, political persuasion or leaders, promising unprecedented discounts or a quick income.

By nature he is gentle and compliant; at the same time, he is restless because of individualism. It’s not easy for him to maintain stable relationships with people because of his rather capricious and fickle nature. He prefers to live separately, to be free from all sorts of obligations, but at the same time have someone like a pleasant neighbor he can ask for help when necessary.

IEI DCNH subtype descriptions

Dominant Subtype
Lyrist — Mocker
Prototypes: Those who mock the shortcomings of an existing system
Distinguished by impulsivity, this subtype is prompt in her actions. She suddenly initiates work, then gets distracted by something else, though after a while she returns to her task. She’s internally restless and inconsistent in her desires. She can have sudden mood swings — from laughter to tears and vice versa. Passionately arguing her ideas, she takes advice only when she’s calm and then follows it only until her next emotional outburst.

She loves to talk about a variety of unusual events or emerging developments. Sensing danger, her anxious mood spreads. At the same time, she doesn’t lose faith in winning. She may even reassure the discouraged, giving them an emotional boost. She closely associates moral anguish with physical suffering.

She never backs down when faced with sudden aggression or tension. In extreme situations, she inspires admiration or surprises others with her fearlessness in the face of danger. She never gives in to forceful pressure and is able to stand her ground.

She has tendencies towards practicality and thriftiness, but a regular working rhythm is something she cannot sustain for a prolonged time. Sometimes wasteful and uneconomical, under a rush of emotions, she may indulge in superfluous purchases. She looks down upon people who are miserly or greedy with small things.

She is often ironic and sarcastic, and even prefers to present unpleasant things jokingly, with a smile. Quite in need of praise and encouragement, she is sensitive when her work is criticized but also takes offense if her efforts go unnoticed. She seeks to lead in personal relationships.

Creative Subtype
Lyrist — Excited
Prototype: Admirer of rare phenomena or unusual behaviors able to reflect and direct their feelings into creative products
This subtype is emotional, charming, and sociable. She easily and naturally makes contact with people, although it is difficult for her to keep herself constantly in high spirits. Her gifts are spontaneity, sincerity, and cordiality. Figuratively, and with subtle humor, she talks about her experiences and what she has seen. She knows how to lighten the mood around her, discussing unusual situations and stories.

She does not tolerate routine and monotony well, and she dislikes stereotypical expectations and strict rules. She cannot submit to regulations and instructions and is prone to impromptu and improvised actions. She chooses an opportune moment to suddenly attract attention. She willingly gives compliments, especially to those considered authorities. Her requests are laid out in such a manner that makes it difficult to refuse.

Well-versed in the feelings and moods of people, she is able to find an individual approach for each person. Using her ability to inspire confidence, she forges useful contacts to achieve her goals and finds the most appropriate players available. It happens that successes occur in those instances where she is motivated by a strong desire and favorable circumstances.

She permits an “artistic” mess in her apartment or workplace. She hardly considers economical and sober approaches to her affairs, yet in extreme situations she can be quite adventurous.

She is graceful and gentle in motion and strives to express herself through clothes, but she won’t cross the line separating originality from vulgarity. She demonstrates sophistication in her specific manner of communication, from which she draws the attention of others.

Normalizing Subtype
Lyrist — Reconciler
Prototype: A mediator between parties on the same team with conflicting interests
Sensitive and attentive to people, she is able to maintain friendly relations. She can be relied upon. She exhibits a tolerant attitude to other people’s shortcomings and weaknesses. She finds it difficult to create or deal with conflict. In disputes, her focus is not on differences but rather on unifying points, aiming to reconcile. She hopes that her kindness and dedication will eventually be rewarded.

She is fairly apprehensive and is prone to doubt and fluctuations when making important decisions; therefore, she’s in need of moral and physical support. She needs to be involved in matters with clear objectives in front of her. She completes assignments responsibly. She respects strong, influential people who confidently explain their position and give specific instructions. In work, she tends to lose a sense of reality, and is distracted by trifles she never has time to complete within a set period due to more important things.

Owing to distractions, she sometimes forgets to fulfill promises, but is then eager to make amends. For the sake of maintaining good relationships with family and fulfilling the requirements of her position, she tries to develop business skills and carry out family responsibilities. She is quite organized and thorough in everyday life.

She will not impose her own feelings if they are not reciprocated; however, relationships that have run their course aren’t severed immediately, as she becomes accustomed to people. She is able to wait patiently, coaxing them to start all over again. She may endure severe hardships for the sake of her ideals or present feelings.

Harmonizing Subtype
Lyrist — Dreamer
Prototypes: Naive optimistic dreamers, such as Manilov of Dead Souls by Ukrainian playwright Nikolai Gogol
The harmonizing subtype is soft and considerate. She has a soulful, poetic personality, and at heart is a dreamer and romanticist. She possesses a sophisticated view of the world and is willing to share her views and concerns with others. She seeks understanding, empathy and support.

Highly developed in feelings, she worries about dangerous courses of events, and gradually applies contingencies accordingly. She dislikes hurry and bustle, believing that fate is predestined. Despite noticing all the imperfections of the world, she believes good will always triumph over evil and the future will be bright.

She is generally interested in philosophical and mystical arts, literature, history, and unconventional religions. She possesses a good imaginative memory and is a well-mannered communicator.

She dresses tastefully and is elegant in presentation, even when negligent of her own appearance. She cares about the health of her loved ones and others. She adapts well to difficult living conditions and knows how to relax even in a tense situation.

SLE DCNH subtype descriptions

Dominant Subtype
Marshall — Promoter
Prototype: Stern commander
This subtype is a strong-willed, determined, goal-oriented person who is aggressively ambitious and demanding. Being energetic and active, he grows up developing uncommon ways of doing things. He achieves his goals by any means possible and is able to make enormous sacrifices in resources for his cause.

He operates both directly and through intermediaries. He knows how to manage people, imposing his will on weaker parties, or offering favorable conditions where possible. He is quite proud, but sensitive, although he tries to conceal this. Considering it a weakness, it is unthinkable for him. In anger, he is insensitive to other people’s shortcomings.

He is a natural leader, though failing to overcome obstacles lowers his vitality. Configured for achieving realistic targets, as flexible a tactician, he is able to adapt to the process. He never hesitates taking risks, weighing chances of success on the fly. He will not rest till his targets are reached.

He dislikes indecisive people who evade bold action. He rejects advice, preferring to make all decisions on his own. He can listen while conversing, but has to have the last word. Bureaucrats are intolerable to him. When under pressure, his resistance is even stronger.

Creative Subtype
Marshal — Attacker
Prototype: A warrior or brave fighter
The creative subtype is active and volatile, boldly attacking in combat situations. He has a desire for freedom to fight, passion, and victory. Instantly adapting to dynamic circumstances, he is always ready for action. He seeks recognition for his work and is proud of his successes and achievements.

He is perceptive, witty, and possesses a critical mind. He knows how to give a brief and succinct description of a person, and if necessary, how to entertain strangers. He actively promotes his interests and hectic endeavors. At the same time, he has a good sense of humor.

For objectionable people, he may create a hostile environment, but for loved ones, he tries to provide comfort and welfare, showing care and attention. He respects influential and authoritative people. He aims to protect the weak and defenseless. Trust in others can be severed without regret, as he has no fear of becoming a renegade. In the interest of business, he demonstrates diplomatic skills such as courtesy and helpfulness.

In personal relationships, he will have a hard time if forced to adjust to his partner. He is very uncompromising and independent. Self-reliance is of the utmost importance to him. His actions are often unpredictable and dependent on mood swings; it is best to vacate his personal space when he succumbs to rage and anger. His quests often exceed his available options. He responds to present situations promptly, though he is badly prepared for long-term projects and distant prospects.

With his willpower, he can suppress surging emotions, though he experiences some difficulties expressing shades of emotion. Monotony quickly tires him, which is why he likes playing psychological games with his partner.

Normalizing Subtype
Marshall — Withstander
Prototypes: Athlete, confident economist
This subtype maintains composure and won’t lose equanimity under any circumstance. The inability to prove his strength triggers frustration. He doesn’t enjoy leaving his comfort zone to be in front of strangers.

He maintains his bravado, hiding his unease when in unfamiliar territory. He is discreet and polite when in public. A rational man, he deals with matters judiciously and impartially.

He prefers to talk about what he is competent at. He is confident with only official or trusted sources of information. He is interested in laws and regulations and competently handles documentation. When consulted for advice, he delves into the details of the matter, giving concrete answers. He won’t persuade strictly by arguments, but also relies on facts. He hardly finds words in speech; he is not very expressive in conversation.

He is easy to talk to, and when talking to strangers, he uses indirect questions to determine where he stands in society along with his connections and opportunities. He seeks firm ground to form relationships on, both when dealing with business and solving collective problems. He likes to do big things, with everything carefully weighed and concrete plans for action in place.

This SLE is a sturdy worker who is consistent and practical in business. He provides services, organizes people, and handles obligations and subordinates accordingly. His plans and results do not always reflect each other, as surprises which cannot be taken into account in advance tend to arise.

He prides himself on self-reliance and will even undertake temporary employment if necessary. He will not waiver under pressure from someone else. He is able to withstand heavy weight loads. He is effective in the sport as a weightlifter and is good at physical activities in general. He requires simple, but high-calorie foods. He is inclined to accumulate wealth, especially in real estate.

Harmonizing Subtype
Marshal — Schemer
Prototypes: Human resources representative, strategic planner, overseer of business mergers
He is prudent and foreseeing. He can sense threats, but hopes they won’t come to fruition. He is quite secretive and dislikes having people look into his personality. He is able to evade intrusive conversations, but will display insolence if necessary.

He devotes himself to the right people, showing care by serving them. He will organize avenues for collective work to prove his competence.

He considers himself a strategist and works out different solutions, finding ways out of sticky situations. He is able to wait for the right moment, but, the fear of risk-taking can cause him to miss opportunities. While showing kindness to others and being friendly, he requires unanimity and solidarity.

At heart, he is quite superstitious and suspicious. Periodically, he finds himself in pessimistic and melancholy states, trying to figure himself out. In moments of despair, compassion, understanding, sympathy, and consolation are what he needs, though he could never pour his heart out to everyone.

He tries to maintain the upper hand over his enemy through maneuvers and proactive action, never directly fighting. He deals with the struggles of life through ignoring anything that hampers his efforts.

He is afraid of opening up for fear of becoming dependent on people who sympathize with him; however, with a change of environment, his emotions can follow through. He is flexible with matters regarding friends or leisure and entertainment. He requires steady support from close friends and family; he needs a place of solace. He will neither deny himself gourmet food nor pleasure.